I ran across a link to the webpage for The M.O.R.G.A.N. Project and thought I would share it with you all. If you have a special needs child who needs certain adaptive equipment that insurance will not cover and you cannot afford, check them out! They are an official non-profit organization accepting donations as well... so if you don't need anything from them, please donate to help someone who does! I borrowed some information from their website at http://themorganproject.org/index.html that I have posted below for you to read.

The M.O.R.G.A.N. Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, established by Robert & Kristen Malfara in honor of their precious son Morgan, who has a very rare form of Leukodystrophy. All officers and board members serve as volunteers, and because we do not use our charitable contributions for salaries, 100% of our proceeds go towards meeting our goals.
Robert & Kristen feel honored to have been chosen to be the loving and caring parents of this very special, heaven-sent child. But most importantly, they also feel that it is their privilege to do so.
First and foremost, we must recognize that it takes a special person/parent to take on the responsibilities of caring for a special-needs child, whether your own child, a foster child, or adopted child. However, it takes an extremely exceptional person/parent to recognize that it is our privilege, not just our obligation, to be loving caretakers to these very special Heaven-sent angels, and make their lives as rewarding and comfortable as possible.
The M.O.R.G.A.N. Project was established to help these amazing people do just that!
"Working together to promote awareness and support of parents caring for their special-needs children, and to enhance the quality of life for these special families."
Our Mission is to provide support to parents/caregivers and act as a reference source for information, financial resources, used equipment exchanges, research and clinical studies, support groups, web links, etc. This will be done in the form of creating an interactive website, and monthly newsletters.
To try to consolidate, and then disseminate, all the available information tools available to caregivers, from sources such as the internet, newsletters, parenting organizations, support groups, etc. There is a lot of information out there, but it takes so much time to search for it that most caregivers just don’t have the time to spare to look for needed assistance on their own. We would like to put together a newsletter that would be a source of information for parents/caregivers to help them help their children.
To make small individual grants (products & services only) to parents/caregivers of special children for travel expenses to attend medical conferences that they would not otherwise be able to afford to attend. No parent/caregiver, or their family for that matter, should have to “bleed” in order to give their child the opportunity to be evaluated by experts, and to seek the support of other families in the same situation.
To make small individual grants (products & services only) to parents/caregivers of special children, for things like positional seating, adaptive car seats, durable medical equipment not covered by Medicaid or Insurance, and other non-covered items that would make caring for these children easier on the parent/caregiver and help to improve their quality of life.
Our primary goal right now is to aggressively seek corporate sponsors, large donors and dedicated volunteers in order to become a viable organization, make valuable connections & tap resources in our community, and to continue to raise funds in order to provide the goals of The M.O.R.G.A.N. Project.
Please .... won't you consider helping?